7 Emerging Technologies That Can Change the World

Rahi Jamil
10 min readJan 20, 2022


With the evolution of civilization, technology is advancing faster than ever before. Robots can talk to you, cars that can drive themselves, or family devices that you can control with your phone. New ideas are being explored every day. This article discusses seven emerging technologies that can change the world.

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Here are 4 of the 7 emerging technologies and links to the remaining three are given at the end.

1. Robotic Process Automation-RPA

Robotic Process Automation (RPA) can be used to automate any work process instantly. With this technology, users will be able to create a software robot or "bot", which will complete the monotonous tasks of any organization through an automated process. The use of RPA technology ensures greater speed and accuracy in these processes than any other human. Therefore, many organizations around the world are incorporating RPA technology into their work processes. Undoubtedly, RPA technology as an integral part of the 4th Industrial Revolution will usher in a major shift in human career.

RPA is governed by a specific workflow, which guides a software or bot on what to do at each stage. Once programmed in this workflow RPA, the software or bot will run automatically and be able to perform the same task over and over again in the same need.

The use of RPA is very wide. Among these are the important workplaces -

  • Health Care
  • HR or Human Resources Department
  • Insurance
  • Manufacturing and retail industry
  • Telecommunication
  • Banking Software
  • Travel and Logistics

RPA tools can also be connected to AI modules that have capabilities like OCR, machine vision, natural language understanding, or decision engines, resulting in what is called intelligent process automation. These capabilities are sometimes packaged into cognitive automation modules designed to support best practices for a particular industry or business process.

2. Artificial Intelligence-AI

The way humans think or act, that way creates the ability to think or act artificially on a computer or robot called Artificial Intelligence. The father of artificial intelligence is Alan Mathison Turing, a British scientist, and mathematician whose full name is Alan Mathison Turing. His "Turing test", invented in 1950, laid the foundations for the concept of artificial intelligence. Where computers can behave like the intelligence of the human race. Artificial intelligence is being researched for how computers will think like humans, how to arrive at complete conclusions with incomplete information, how to solve problems, how to devise prudent plans, and how to play games with success.

From smartphones to chatbots, artificial intelligence is already ubiquitous in our digital lives. Such as - Entertainment, Medical, Vital Tasks, Transportation, Automotive, Cyber Security, E-commerce, Education, Lifestyle, Robotics, Agriculture, Gaming, Social Media, and Chatbots.

Special use of artificial intelligence is being observed in robot perception, natural language processing, expert systems, neural networks, virtual reality, fuzzy logic, etc. Different types of programming languages are used to apply artificial intelligence - LISP ("Lots if Idiotic Silly Parentheses"), CLISP, PROLOG (Programming logic), C/C ++, Java, etc.

3. Quantum Computing

Quantum computer, which is not just an updated version of the classical computer used in our daily work. Quantum computers are a completely new technology. The function of both the candle and the light bulb is to give light. But a candle can never give light like a light bulb. Because light bulbs are a completely new technology subject to candles. Similarly, quantum computers are a completely new technology compared to classical computers. Because of the high-speed competitiveness of Quantum Computers, many large companies are investing heavily. But what is so special about this quantum computer?

To understand quantum computers, we need to go a long way. Subatomic particles of an atom such as electrons, protons. The electrons of an atom can be in two different stages at the same time. That means simultaneous presence in all places. We have generally seen electrons revolving in a certain orbit while reading the electron configuration. But that is not the case in the real sense. Electrons are present at all places in that orbit at the same time. Much like superposition. But whenever we try to determine the exact location of the electron, this superposition of the electron will break down.

In the 1980s, Richard Feynman wondered why we didn’t use this superposition feature of subatomic particles in our computing systems. He suggests that the superposition properties of subatomic particles can multiply the speed of our computing systems. And also give some idea of ​​how it can be used. From there, the journey of Quantum Computer started.

Classical computers work through binary 0 and 1, called bits. Classical computers convert any information to 0 and 1. Because classical computers work through transistors and when the transistor is on it is 1 and when it is off it is 0. On the other hand, quantum computers work through quantum bits or qubits. The difference between bit and qubit is that bit can be either 0 or 1. On the other hand, a qubit can be 0 or 1 or at the same time 0 and 1, which is called superposition. How are zero and one possible at the same time? Must be either zero or one. The subject may seem strange. But the matter is not strange. This is the magic of quantum physics.

4. Edge Computing and Cloud Computing

Before we understand what Edge computing is, we must first understand cloud computing. Because edge computing and cloud computing are inextricably linked. We use cloud computing in our normal life, for example, we use Google Drive, iCloud, Dropbox, Gmail, Office 365, etc. In these places we can store our important data and it can be different types of documents, images, audio, videos, or any kind of data and it will not be in our mobile storage or local storage of computers, they will be in the cloud.

We can access that data from anywhere with an Internet connection, using usernames and passwords from mobiles, computers, laptops, tablets. Cloud computing has a wide range of uses, not just here.

But there are many problems with cloud computing such as server downtime, security and privacy issues, cost, latency issues, etc. Cloud service latency is the delay between a client request and a cloud service provider’s response.

Now, let’s talk about edge computing. Edge computing is a distributed information technology (IT) architecture in which client data is processed at the periphery of the network, as close to the originating source as possible. Data processing from cloud computing takes some time to load on our device, which is called latency. Edge computing is used to reduce this time. Not only speed but also edge computing is being used for various benefits.

In cloud computing, such devices can connect directly to the server via the Internet. But in edge computing, there is a local device between the cloud server and the device. When using edge computing, the device will transfer data to the cloud server, with the help of a fully local device. Using devices connected to the Internet through this edge computing technology, the service will be much faster.

5. Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality

he future of virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) has exciting potential in the gaming industry and film, marketing, e-commerce, education and training, business commerce, and more. The idea is that in the future, these will have a huge impact on daily life. In the future, when virtual reality and augmented reality become more readily available, they will be used in almost everything from entertainment to the workplace.

Virtual Reality or VR is the application of modeling and simulation with computer-controlled systems so that people can connect or perceive the artificial multidimensional perceptual environment. The environment mimicked in virtual reality can be exactly like the real world. In this case, real experience is often obtained from virtual reality. Again many times the simulated environment can be different from the real.

For example, virtual reality games. In virtual reality, the user is completely immersed in a computer-controlled environment. Virtual reality is realized by wearing glasses, headsets or Head Mounted Display-HMD, gloves, costumes, etc. with different types of information transfer devices. In a typical virtual reality, a user wears a helmet with a stereoscopic or three-dimensional screen and sees real-time animated images through it.

In the future, when virtual reality becomes more readily available, it will be used in almost everything from entertainment to the workplace. Such as — game industry and films, education and training, medicine, military, architecture, and construction industry, business trade, industrial factory, driving instruction or flight simulator, traffic management, space exploration.

Now, let’s talk about augmented reality short AR. Augmented Reality or AR will add a layer of computer built on what you see. The keyword in the phrase ‘Augmented Reality’ is ‘Augment’, which means to add something. This is what is meant by the computer-generated virtual layer, which is the actual environment. Augmented Reality will show you exactly what you want to see. Not just computer-generated images, but also sound, video, graphics, touch, and even GPS data!

6) Nanotechnology

There is a world before our eyes that we cannot see with the naked eye. This is called the microscopic world. This microscopic world is fascinating and startling. What is here is beyond my and your imagination. It’s like an alien kingdom. The door of possibility is open in this microscopic or nanoworld. What is Nano?

Nano is the unit of measurement. 1 nanometer is one-billionth of a billionth of a meter. That is 1 nanometer (1nm) = 10–9 meters (m). 1 inch in 25,400,000 nanometers if compared to inches. Hair can be compared to any smaller object. A hair is one million nanometers wide or compared to the smallest bacteria in the world, the smallest bacteria size is 200 nanometers.

The radius of the DNA double-helix is 2 nanometers. The size of a gold atom is 0.3 nanometers. The distance between the atoms in the carbon-carbon bond ratio is 0.12 to 0.15 nanometers. And nanotechnology is about creating something at this tiny level of science. Technology that is not just about making, but about changing, enlarging, destroying, or creating on a nanometer scale is called nanotechnology. That is, nanotechnology is the science of skillfully using metals and objects to make microscopic devices on the atomic or molecular scale.

The use of nanotechnology in almost all types of materials used in daily life is now increasing. There are uses of nanotechnology in chemicals, food, medicine, electronics, renewable energy, sports and sports equipment, computer hardware, refrigerators, and more. Here are some uses for nanotechnology -

Products manufactured by nanotechnology such as nanotubes, nanoparticles, etc. are stronger, more durable, are relatively small in size, and light in weight.
Drugs produced by the application of nanotechnology, known as smart drugs, can be cured quickly.
The use of nano transistors, nano diodes, plasma displays, etc. is revolutionizing the world of the electronics industry. Quantum computing is evolving.
The application of this technology can save electricity on used equipment and electronic devices. Solar energy can be further utilized through batteries, fuel cells, solar cells, etc. made by nanotechnology.

Note that the American physicist Richard Feynman is called the father of nanotechnology.

7. Cyber Security

Due to the development of information and communication technology, the number of internet users is increasing at a geometric rate day by day and so is cybercrime. Cybercrime usually refers to all the computer crimes that take place in cyberspace i.e. the Internet. A cyber attack is a type of electronic attack in which criminals enter someone else’s system through the Internet without permission and destroy or damage files, programs, or hardware. There can be many types of cybercrime. E.g.-

  • Breaking the security of a system from outside so that all the resources of that system can be used illegally or destroyed. This is known as hacking.
  • Modifying a system or creating an environment in which that system refuses to provide its intended service. This is called Denial-of-Service.
  • Misuse of the internet by the officers and employees of an organization as a result of which the organization is harmed etc.

Apart from these, there are many other types of cybercrime.

Cyber ​​security is a strategy that helps protect various digital content networks, data, and computer systems from unauthorized digital access. This process detects problems and vulnerabilities in a computer system and protects the system from security violations. Cyber ​​security is essential to keep the files, data, information, etc. in our computer safe.

The number of hackers and cybercriminals has increased tremendously in recent times. And through them, the digital environment becomes a lot of crime. So cyber security can keep you safe from such hackers. Cyber ​​security is very important to protect banking and financial data. Because nowadays there are almost a lot of cases where digitally money is stolen from a person’s bank account illegally. Cyber ​​security is very important to keep the national security and the defense system of the country in order.

Let’s Conclude

What do you think about the 7 Emerging Technologies? We’ve seen technology is advancing faster than ever before.

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Rahi Jamil

🚀 Frontend Focused Fullstack Developer specializing in TypeScript, NextJS. Level up every day. Follow me on Twitter: https://twitter.com/mohammadrahi03